This session is designed to encourage and reinforce ‘RP’ with their CONFIDENCE level. It can help them to create, sustain or improve their confidence. CONFIDENCE is an important component for
‘Rp’ to have in order to pursue new endeavors and achieve various feats after leaving confinement. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
Home Confinement, Supervision Officers/P.O., Post Release Supervision; This session is designed to address concerns and/or myths about all three topics, along with breakdowns on the best methods to provide a formula for success that can allow ‘RP’ to proceed positively ahead in their lives and achieve the ultimate goal of successfully completing supervision and retaining true freedom. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to illustrate what a SUPPORT SYSTEM consists of. How to ultize, maintain or build a Support System if a ‘RP’ doesn’t have one upon their release. It will show ‘RP’ why a Support System is definitely needed and the importance a supporting cast can have on the development of a ‘RP’. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to express how success can be achieved by people who think positive. It shall also display how Anything is possible no matter what obstacles or challenges arise during their reentry transition. With Positive Thinking, Assertiveness and Resilience ‘RP’ can be successful in whatever they set their minds to accomplish after returning to Society. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to focus on the make up of a decent and securely structured FOUNDATION. What a proper Foundation looks like, how to build or build onto one. It will show ‘RP’ the importance of how Financial Management, Employment, Housing and Reliable Transportation plays a big role in how a solid Foundation is achieved during the REENTRY process and well beyond once supervision is complete. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to emphasize the importance of identifying, breaking and creating CYCLES. These practices can help ‘RP’ to recognize unhealthy existing cycles that they might want to change in order to be prosperous in their lives. By identifying cycles and learning how to replace old bad habits with new good habits can help ‘RP’ to practice positive behaviors that could be beneficial to them. These healthy attributes can possibly help ‘RP’ to deter from continuing a self destructive pattern. In turn by understanding the effects of cycles ‘RP’ can possibly stray away from unhealthy old habits such as criminal or violent behavior and hazardous areas or people that could lead them back into negative situations and even recidivism. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to depict how CHOICES & DECISIONS can effect ‘RP’ in a positive or negative aspect. Reflecting on old Choices & Decisions can definitely be a source of enlightenment in order to change for self betterment and strive forward, inspiring to make new healthier Choices & Decisions n their lives. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed for ‘RP’ to identify, relate and understand their SURROUNDINGS and IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT upon release. Insights and methods on how to stay safe and away from hazardous people and areas. Strategical ways on how to positively thrive within any setting and/or community once reentering Society. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to address the significance of various RELATIONSHIPS ‘RP’ may encounter after incarceration. Intimate Relationships such as Spouse, Children and Family. Casual Relationships such as Social, Employment and Associates. LOVE TRIANGLE Relationships will also be discussed to shed some light on hazardous or even detrimental situations that many ‘RP’ don’t even realize exist. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to indeptly prepare ‘RP’ for the opportunity to be a BETTER PARENT after incarceration. Some first hand insights, ideas and easy parenting skills. The do’s and don’ts for ‘RP’ to consider while trying to restore a healthy parental position and bond with their children regardless of either parties age. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to demonstrate why having assertive and affective COMMUNICATION SKILLS can be a tremendous asset to a ‘RP’ during their reentry transition and in life generally. For social, educational and employment purposes a ‘RP’ should continue to sharpen up their ability to communicate with others. Having the ability to communicate effectively with others can bring about a much more smoother reentry process. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to bring attention to the many RESPONSIBILITIES that await ‘RP’. There are several Responsibilities that ‘RP’ must face, accept and take on after returning to the free world. Information in this segment will assess and assist ‘RP’ to prepare for many different challenges that will present themselves during the REENTRY process. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to inform ‘RP’ of the factors and what consist of BRING INDEPENDENT. Along with insights from fact based evidence it shall also display the realistic steps ‘RP’ must take in order to achieve Independence after imprisonment. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to breakdown the importance of an efficient time schedule. It will show ‘RP’ how one can effectively use all of their time wisely and in a healthy productive manner to get the most beneficial results. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to preview how the REENTRY process can be accomplished by utilizing PATIENCE. In life’s everyday functions the displaying of Patience is a great attribute a ‘RP’ to have. This information can be useful for ‘RP’ to build up their understanding of Patience and it can help them during the REENTRY transition. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to provide proven methods of COPING that can assist ‘RP’ to get through trying times. Depression, Anxiety, Stress, untimely Death’s and/or Events are components that sometime derail ‘RP’ from their goals and positive intentions. Learning new ways to Cope with life’s inconveniences after returning to Society can make a world of difference for ‘RP’ to have a healthier REENTRY transition. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to explain how ASSOCIATE’S can be helpful or detrimental to ‘RP’ lives after reentering the free world. There are many points of emphasis and lessons to be learned that can help ‘RP’ to make better choices and decisions about their Association’s with old or new people in their lives. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to bring awareness and information to ‘RP’ about their quality of HEALTH & WELLNESS. Illustrations of how regular visits to the doctor or dentist can be sufficient. Along with maintaining proper nutrition, exercise and spirituality ‘RP’ can possibly live a much healthier lifestyle which can allow the REENTRY process to feel more comfortable. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.
This session is designed to reinforce the importance of CONTINUING EDUCATION. New technology, job training and educational opportunities await ‘RP’ upon returning to the free world. Insight and valuable information concerning personal growth, knowledge and education can be attained by ‘RP’ to help increase their chances of a successful REENTRY transition. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOS.